English Books

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Prayer Mantle
This book by Prophet Dr. Rev. Tony Mathias is designed to accomplish two specific goals
– to teach you to pray, and
– to motivate you to enter the ministry of effectual fervent prayer.







Success Unlimited
This book authored by Prophet Dr. Rev. Tony Mathias will help you to develop a positive and productive mental attitude and rediscover your dreams buried within you.






Spiritual Food For Victorious Living (A Self-Study Bible Course)
This ‘Self Study’ course developed by Prophet Dr. Rev. Tony Mathias is catered to lead people on the stairway of progress resulting in a successful and fruitful life.






Hear and Be Healed
This book on healing by Rev. Dr. Tony Mathias will teach you how to walk out of your prison house of sickness, resist disease, receive healing, and live in divine health.






change-your-worldChange Your World
Words can make us or break us. This book written by Rev. Dr. Tony Mathias is specially designed with power packed dynamic words to program your potential for success.







Spiritual Warfare
It is important to know the weapons of warfare, how to exercise authority in spiritual warfare successfully, and stay spiritually fit at all times.

This book covers of a series of topics which are self-explanatory. – the enemy, battleground, items of offense and defense, waging spiritual warfare, exercising authority, protection, breaking soul ties and much more to equip a biblical student in a series of victories.


Power Of Praise

Praise means to commend, applaud or magnify. God is pleased when his children praise and worship him. He inhabits our praises. God’s people are to be a community of praise and worship who function as a royal priesthood.

Even in secular life, we need to practice genuine praise of others. Praise is also one of the surest ways of keeping people enthusiastic. People like to feel that someone appreciates the work they do.

This book majors on four important facets of praise namely: people of praise, people of power, the gate-pass to His glory and the attitude and offering of worship. There is so much this book has to offer. Happy reading!



Discipleship: Cost & Benefit
The Goal of discipleship is to make disciples who expand God’s Kingdom and convey the loving character of Jesus to the world.

This mini-book provides basic guidelines for decision-making, checking attitudes, habits walking in love and more…It shows the high cost of discipleship – training, loyalty, availability, obedience and so on, as well as resulting benefits – spiritual growth, opportunities to learn, growing in dimensions of power, wisdom, love, doing the works of Jesus and conforming to His image.




Evangelism: Fishing for Souls

This book specifies different facets of evangelism in a simplified form like learning to witness – preparation, approach, bait and pointer that would draw a soul to Jesus.

It provides essentials in soul-winning, simplicity of the gospel message, in a nutshell, approach, forms of gospel presentation, diagnostic questions, answering questions often asked, pitfalls to avoid, the value of prayer scripture and spiritual warfare, dealing with negative responses, leading the person to receive Christ;

The importance of the aftercare of new Christians in matters of local fellowship, intimacy with God, worship, the value of testifying, bible study, serving other Christians and so on.



Inner Healing

Medical professionals agree that there is a link between physical health and spiritual – emotional well-being – a direct relationship between the kind, quality, quantity, the frequency of food we eat and the health we enjoy; the value of work and adequate rest for renewal, refreshment, and restoration.

What harms people more than physical injury is the injury to the soul which deals with the mental realm exposed to harsh attitudes self-inflicted or imposed by others, works of the flesh and sinfulness.

This book shows the importance of inner healing. It covers profoundly four different aspects, namely the healing of the soul, reversal of the curse, scriptural prayers for breaking of curses and healing of memories – the cause and cure of the same. Healing of the soul can be achieved through the renewing of the mind. The good news is that there has been a positional release from the House of Bondage by the redemptive act of Jesus Christ.


Millennium Bible Study

This book comprises of a series of topics designed to equip a Bible student with a view to upgrading his (her) basic knowledge. It begins with basic elementary Biblical doctrines and mounts up with adjunct themes that could facilitate spiritual progress. In this book, you’ll find valuable secrets of prayer and intimacy with God, meditation, on being a visionary, laws of seed planting, harvest, and prosperity, how to flow with the tide of the Spirit, revival, and restoration.





Christian Leadership

Leadership is the ability one has to influence another to follow his leading towards a common purpose. He knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.

Leaders are both born and made. On one hand God-initiated and on the other hand dormant leadership skills cultivated. The Book of Acts demonstrates how Spirit-filled leaders led by the Spirit influenced Christianity.

A spiritual leader has influence because he is empowered by the Holy Spirit who works through him to lead others, to the level he himself has attained.Qualities and skills are important, but being Spirit-filled is indispensable. The leader should be a man of prayer energized by the Spirit.

This book is a short treatise on the topic delving into leadership aspiration, anointing, Peter and Paul’s insights on leadership, evaluation of essential leadership qualities and themes, like personal walk, time-management, responsibilities, priorities, reading and research, reproduction and replacement of leaders.


Keys For Christian Living

This book is a ‘Basic Self-Study Course’ consisting of Twelve Lessons. It was originally known as ‘Bible Correspondence Course Basics,’ for Bible Students inland and overseas. The questionnaire appears at the end of each lesson and the answers at the end of the book.

‘Keys for Christian Living’ is an easy-to-understand guide for new Christians, an indispensable foundational keystone for all believers, an excellent teaching resource for all leaders and an effective reference tool for ministry.

‘Keys for Christian Living’ gives you what you need to develop a strong, balanced life of faith – an aid to spiritual growth with firmly implanted biblical knowledge and memory verses equipping and empowering students to excel in their Christian walk and other areas of life.